Wednesday, December 3, 2014

   Certainly not in Texas any more. I was up and on the road early yesterday morning after packing up the trailer and dumping all the tanks. It was a pleasant morning for driving, pretty overcast and a bit on the cool side. Emma, my GPS, kept me on a couple back highways from the state park out to I-10, so it was more than an hour of 2-lane, stop and go traffic. But once on the highway everything came together and then it was just mile after mile of highway cruising.
    Made it through Beaumont Texas before noon and stopped just inside Louisiana for a long lunch. The idea was to do a little more than 300 miles per day and I had already done more than half of that by then. So I sat in a Micky D's and ate some lunch and drank some soda and read my book before getting back on the road.
   Ended up staying at another truck stop somewhere west of Lafayette last night. Actually, the parking lot was behind another McDonalds that just happened to be next to the place where I filled the truck up. But there were a couple of  other RV's sitting there so I just pulled over there and joined them rather than get back on the road after dark.
   It was foggy when I awoke this morning, but it was convenient to have a fast food place right there waiting for me, especially since what I wanted was pancakes. Had some breakfast, read the comics, did the crossword puzzle and then took off down the highway again. It was a pretty steady day of driving for me as I crossed through Louisiana and on into Mississippi. Some of the scenery was very plain and other parts of it were just beautiful. There was one section east of Lafayette where the highway crossed a huge bayou on a concrete causeway that was like something you would see in a painting. The deep, deep blue/black of the water with the silver trunks and red needles of the cypress trees standing stark against the backdrop of the sky. I really wish there had been some way to stop and take pictures of it, but I guess that is an image I won't be able to share with any of you.
   Did get a chance to talk to a few of my friends during the day so that was fun. I bought one of those Bluetooth ear buds for my phone a couple of years ago and I find that it has been one of the best investments I have made for someone travelling like I do. Much better than having to hold the phone up to your ear, and much safer too. I just make sure all of my regular calls are on speed dial so it takes less than a second to call someone up and no time at all to answer when somebody else is calling me.
   I'm pretty sure I passed through the city of Biloxi about an hour or so ago, but I can't be sure because it is so dam dark by that time in the early evening. It was far enough no matter what however so I just pulled into the next rest area when it came up. Will sit it out here for the rest of the evening and night and then go on in the morning like usual. My GPS is telling me that it is only a little more than 400 miles to my next camp site. That would be over at Otter Springs County Park, west of Gainsville Florida. I hope to pull in there and stay a week and then stash the trailer there in an area they have for trailer storage, while I head north to Virginia and West Virginia. So one more day and night on the road and then a couple of days to just goof off. I'm looking forward to that.


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