Tuesday, May 28, 2013

   Rain, sometimes hard, all day long today. Woke up with it on the top of the trailer early this morning at a rest stop just south of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. The nice thing about being in the trailer is that from the time you get out of bed to starting the truck is only about 15 mins, with most of that taken up with brushing your teeth and letting the front trailer jack down off of it's blocks. I generally put it down when I pull in for the night in order to not only level the trailer front to back, but to also stabilize at least the front end a little bit. Otherwise it can feel like you are on a boat every time you turn over in bed.

    Took my time heading up I-81 through the rest of Pennsylvania and into New York. A beautiful day for travel as it remained cool most of the day. Noticed a sign in Scranton advertising 'Steam Town', a museum geared towards old steam locomotives and other railroad stuff. Made a note to stop in there next time through the area as I've heard it is a really fun museum if you are a gear head like me.

   Made it into Oswego by 4:00 this afternoon and found the RV campground pretty much the same as it was last year at this time. Checked in and even got the same site I had last year; right next to the wood pile. That way there is only one side of the trailer that someone else can pull in on, not that it looks like it will be very full anyway.

   Got unhooked and all leveled up during a lull in the rain. A nice site, it has a decent view of Lake Erie just a 150 yards or so away. Of course it is even a better view if you just walk over across the road. There is also the added benefit that there is an ice cream stand right there just in case you need something cold to snack on.

    Had to clean out some items in the fridge, and also melted a bit of ice that had formed in the freezer, when I ran out of propane the other day. Everything was fine in the freezer except for a half bag of blueberries I had. For some reason they partially unfroze and then proceeded to leak purple smutz all over the bottom of the compartment. It all then refroze and stuck everything else to the bottom like glue. Got it all cleaned up of course, and only ended up throwing out some broccoli, spinach and a little bit of milk from the fridge section. All of which would of most likely been ready to toss even if the fridge hadn't shut off like it did.

    Once it was all cleaned up again and I was sure it was working okay, it was off to the grocery store to restock a few things I was in need of. Plenty of fruit in the store today, but not much in the way of real veggies. A bit of lettuce and spinach and some carrots, but no root vegetables to speak of. Had wanted to get a nice assortment so I could slice them and throw them in the oven with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. But the only thing they had was a 'Package' of parsnips and a '3-pack' of turnips. You know, I'm getting really tired of them sticking everything in sealed bags where you can't even be sure if they are any good yet, or where there may be to many or to few of what you need. I guess that is why I lean more and more towards going to the local farmers market anymore. I know there is one here in town sometime during the week because I remember getting a loaf of really wonderful freshly baked Amish sourdough bread last year. I just have to find out what evening it is on and then get there for it.

   Downloaded a few photo's this evening and started going through some of them and picking out the better ones, if any. Hope to post a few in the next day or two. Right now though it is time for some sleep. Even with a caffeine fueled soda this afternoon it is still a wearing day driving this hunk of a home around for a few hours in the rain.

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