Saturday, May 26, 2012

   Another wonderful day here in Oswego. More dancing of course.... that is the main reason I'm here after all, but there is so much more to do in and around the area that it is a great place to come visit.

   Going back to yesterday for just a bit; a friend of my came into town around noon and gave me a call. Not having much to do either, she decided to join me on my road trip over to Sodus Bay to check out a couple of light houses. It was actually a bit farther over there than I first thought, but we did end up finding both light houses in the end. Both are pictured below.

    After looking at both and wandering out the breakwater and back in, we were both ready for some lunch. Of course it could of also had something to do with it being nearly 3:00 in the afternoon. We found a nice little bar/restaurant right on the bay where we could watch the boats coming in and out and this little old guy out on one of the docks fishing. Good meal and a pleasant time sitting there in the sunshine talking about the up coming dance. A very nice time.

   Best part of the afternoon was getting back into town with enough time to take a short nap before the dance started. Around 7:00 it was time to go over to the dance and get ready. The building where the dance is being held is this great old two story barn. Not quite a full 'post and beam' style, it seems to be partially P&B and partially stick framed. Either way, it is a great place to dance.

   Lot's of nice people at the dance of course and only a dozen or so that I know enough to recognize. High energy, pulsing dance music right from the first note. Of course it is also hot and humid so every one was wet and sweaty from the get-go. No problem though since every one was in the same boat, so you just deal with it. It must of been a good dance because it seemed like we just starting to dance and then it was over. A couple ibuprofen last night before bed and I'm nearly ready to start all over again.

    Slept a little late this morning, but was actually up sooner than I thought I would of been. Hung out at the trailer this morning until just before 11:00 when it was time to head into town and meet up with my friend again. We took a short walk along the Oswego River until noon and then went in search of a place to eat. Ended up at a little bar/restaurant in the old town area that had a nice patio to sit on and eat. Decent food and drink and very pleasant company. We spent close to 2 hours there before heading out to go see Fort Oswego, which is only a short walk to the north of the river.

   Had a pleasant surprise when we got there, because my friend is on active duty, entrance to the site was free. Not that it would of been very expensive anyway.... but every little bit helps. An interesting site to explore, but it seems like it is just now getting up and going as a historical site, so most of the buildings were still empty and there wasn't all that much to look at or read about. We did have a good time watching the Sgt. of the guard drilling his detail in close combat fighting and loading and firing their rifles.

    Nearly 4:00 now and it's time for a nap today before the dance starts up once again.

    12:05 am - So the evening dance is now over, hard to believe it went so quick and it was even an hour longer this evening. The first two hours the band was 'Firefly' from some where up here in the NE. A good band that I've danced to in the last year or so, just can't remember where. That is either a matter of getting old and starting to forget things like that or, as I like to believe, I'm just going to so many dances that I can't keep track any more

   The second half was with GBT and friends and it was just a rockin' good time. They are really starting to expand their song base, doing a lot more rock tinged music, and it sounds real good and is a lot of fun to dance to. Of course having a couple other band members sitting in with them doesn't hurt either. Their final dance for the evening was the song 'Mr Plow' and by the end of the dance the endorphins must of just been flowing everywhere. It is dances such as those that keep me coming back night after night.  But alas, it did finally end and now it's time to once again get some sleep. It has been a long but fun day.

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Sodus Bay Light House. This is the third one on this site, the first two having either been blown down or just rotted away from neglect.  They now have a small museum in this one that is kind of fun to visit.

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A nice stone building with a brick interior. The county or city now own it but it still functions as a know navigational beacon.

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A closer look at the light.

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At the top they have an old glass Fresnel light, about 4th order in size, I think. Check out the kind of bulb they have lighting it though.

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The Sodus Bay Entrance Light on the breakwater to the harbor.

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A view of the Entrance Light at the end of the breakwater.

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A Closer view of the Sodus Bay Entrance Light.

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