Friday, May 4, 2012

    Just finished up the first night of contra dancing here at the White Water Whirl. Very similar set up to the last dance in N. Carolina, in that the venue is a 4-H park where the CCC's built most of the buildings way back in the 30's. The building we danced in was nearly a twin to the last one except that it had some additional stonework and columns and large doors on each side that could be opened up to get some good cross ventilation.

    It was good that those doors were there and that they were open this evening as it was rather humid and hot for most of the night. I made the joke on Facebook that it was going to be a 3-shirt night, meaning that I would have to change 3 times because of all the sweat, but actually it wasn't quite that bad, plus the shirts I wear don't feel as sticky as cotton ones do. So I got by with just the one shirt. Really, even if it is hot and humid, as long as everyone is sweating equally, I don't mind a bit. That being said, there are always a few people that sweat  a lot more than I do, you just learn to deal with it and enjoy all the other aspects of the dance.

   Not as many people here at this dance as there have been at others, but still plenty to have 3 good lines. Lot's of people I know and a lot of faces that were familiar. Starting to see faces from Ohio and Pennsylvania and other points north now that I've come up this far. Some of these people I haven't seen for 6 months or more so that is kind of neat. Good music, the bands are 'Avant Gardener's with David DeGuiseppe' and the Contrarians. Calling was by Gaye Fifer (sp) and another women who I've never heard before. All good stuff, but it never seemed to hit that 'high' point where everything is just perfect. Still pretty good though and certainly better than no dancing at all.

    Not much else went on for most of the day. Spent a lot of time here at the trailer reading and relaxing. Did go out and do some grocery shopping. Had to get some more milk and bananas among other things. Did make a cheese cake this afternoon. Granted, it was from a mix and it was no bake, still, I did jazz it up some and it looked pretty good when I got back this evening. Just wasn't hungry enough for a piece yet, plus it still needs blueberries on top.

   Going to goof off most of tomorrow with a friend of mine from Nashville. Not exactly sure what we will do yet, but I imagine it will be pretty low key. One thought is to go back over to Babcock state park and do a bit of hiking. Will just see how the day goes and what the weather is doing. Right now though it is time for some sleep.

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