Wednesday, May 23, 2012

    Up way to early this morning, even if it was a moving day. Once up though, packing up and getting on the road went very well, except for the one trailer tire that keeps going soft on me anyway. It's one of 4 on the trailer and it must have a slow leak in it somewhere. Good thing I have one of those little portable air compressor thingies. It works well, but the tire was so low this morning that it didn't get all the way pumped up before the compressor ran out of juice. Got it filled enough to get on the road safely, and then stopped at the first place that had a pay filler-upper thingy. The main thing is it got filled and it didn't blow out on me and ruin my whole day.

    Stuck to the back roads all the way up to Oswego in keeping with my theme on this trip, which has been to stay off the main interstate highways as much as possible. So it was back over through Rome and on to Camden, Amboy and on into Mexico, NY before hitting the outskirts of Oswego. Oswego doesn't seem to be that big of a place, and the road seemed to take me right through the middle of it. The RV camp is just west of town, not even a mile away. Indeed there is a University, SUNY, just down the road less than a 1/4 mile and it sits right on the edge of the city. I'm assuming the acronym stands for State University of New York or some such thing. Anyway; Emma took me right to camp this time, she didn't even try to send me down a dead end street or a one ways for a change. Pulled in and talked to the owner who already had my reservation and he gave me a choice spot one row back from the road and under a nice shade tree. Lake Ontario is about 100'-150' away on the other side of the road and you can see it from the trailer with no problems. There is also a well visited ice cream stand right over there with a few tables to sit at overlooking the lake... I'm thinking ice cream may come in handy later on in the week.

   Got set up and finally had some lunch, took a nice walk over to the university and back and started looking up things to do in the area. Can already see that there isn't going to be enough time to see every thing this week. That's okay though, it'll just give me another incentive to come back again if I end up liking it here. So on tap for tomorrow is a visit to Fort Ontario right in town. Evidently an important fort during the French/Indian wars as well as the war of 1812 and the Revolutionary War. There is also a small maritime museum right in town as well as a light house out on the break water into the harbor.

    Further out from town are a couple more light houses as well as a light house museum at Sodus Inlet just west of here. The whole Oswego River area with it's locks and old mills, plus all the neat buildings I am sure to find down there. I'm excited about getting started already.

     Had a chance to work on a couple more rainbow pictures from last night. I'm afraid the pictures don't really do it justice. In real life it was much brighter and the 2nd rainbow was as clear as a single one generally is. Oh well, the photo's are still good enough and I'll always remember how vibrant the whole thing was.

The view looking to the north. These were taken several minutes after we had arrived and already the colors were starting to fade. You can still see the 2nd rainbow above the first one though.
The center section.
I liked this shot because of the reflection in the water also. If you had been there you would of seen a nearly complete circle made by the rainbow and it's reflection. Another odd thing was the little vertical piece of rainbow that took off from the end of the main arch and met up with the second rainbow about 1/3 of the way up. Had never seen anything quite like that before. In the end though the only thing that really mattered was how beautiful it was.

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