Sunday, December 8, 2013

   Just finishing up some final packing for my trip tomorrow morning. Was actually up pretty early this morning getting things straightened up and packed away. There's still more stuff to do, but most of the big stuff is now done.

   Got my laundry all done first off. A couple of loads to wash and dry and then put away or pack. I'm going to be gone for more than a month it looks like, so there is a need for all kinds of things that I wouldn't normally take. Of course it would be easy if Esmerelda, my trailer, and home, was going with me. But she is going to be spending the next month or so parked over under a palm tree soaking up the sun and, hopefully, not too much rain.

    Transferred nearly all of the trailer stuff that usually lives in the back of the truck into the trailer so I won't be hauling all of that stuff all the way to West Virginia and back again. So all the hitch stuff, water hoses, spare tire, ladder and other stuff. There will be a little left to deal with tomorrow, but mostly it will be a matter of draining the tanks and putting everything away.

    Packed lots of clothes for the trip of course. First off were all the cold weather clothes I have. Really don't have much of this stuff because usually cold weather just means I turn south and run until I get to warmer temps. But I do keep a couple pairs of gloves, socks and hats around. I also have more than enough polar pile coats, vests and shirts. So I should be ready for most everything except maybe living outdoors for a week or so. The plan is to avoid that though.

   Also had to pack all of my clothes for dancing. Of course this mostly means packing enough black shirts and pairs of pants to get by for 6 days of dancing. But this year there may actually be some dancing done during the morning and afternoon as well as the regular evening dance. So there was a need to pack a few more pairs of everything.

   Lastly was a need to pack stuff for my stay around Floyd. Several pairs of long pants for the cold days there when I want to be outside, as well as a couple dress shirts and a decent pair of new jeans and semi dress up shoes just in case. It's not everything I own here in the trailer, but it is coming pretty close to it.

    I did do a couple outside trailer things earlier this morning. Got my new tarp clips and bungee cords installed on my bike/chair cover. It might actually work, but I'll have to wait and see how it does at full speed going down the highway. The other thing was to get the ladder out and take a look at the roof before tucking the trailer away for a month. Replaced a small piece of roofing patch material that had blown up with the road wind. Also found one small hairline crack in the front vent cover that I had never noticed before. I put some new roofing tape on that and am now wondering if that may be where that last darn bit of water has been leaking in all along. The plan is to replace that vent cover with a new one at some point, but I have yet to find a new one that has the same type of attachment hinge as this one does. Of course the companies that make those kinds of things have all created their own design, so you need to find one that fits so that all you have to do is replace the actual cover and not everything along with it. In this case that would mean replacing a 12v exhaust fan that is integral with the rest of the vent. Something that would run me at least $100 instead of the $20 for just a cover.

    Did a little walking around the park here this afternoon and watched an old movie that I had in the box. Percy Jackson - The Lightning Thief. Actually pretty good if you aren't looking for great plot or acting. It was entertaining enough, and that is all it needed to be today.

    Will try to get a few more pictures ready and posted in the next day or two. I've taken plenty in the last week or so and some of them have even turned out okay. For now though I think I had better go do the rest of the dishes, pack a little bit more, and then go to bed. Morning is going to come pretty early for me tomorrow.

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