Friday, December 6, 2013

   So I fell asleep on the couch last night... had started out watching the movie 'Good Will Hunting', (what does that name mean anyway? Are they hunting Will? Is the character Will good?), and the next thing I knew it was nearly 11:30. Guess getting only 5 hrs of sleep at night really isn't enough for me after all. Did manage to get a full quota of sleep last night however, so perhaps that won't happen to me again tonight. Not that there is much of a problem if I fall asleep on the couch every night, it's just easier if I go to bed while I'm still awake enough to undress first.

    An otherwise busy day running errands again today. Had to make another post office run to mail off my last Christmas present. Now if they will all just show up in time I'll be really happy. From there it was on to the Discount Tire Store in Gainsville in order to get the truck tires rotated and rebalanced. Now, except for packing up the trailer and getting my gear together, I think everything else is pretty much ready.

    The shop got the tires all taken care of in less than an hour, and then it was on to the Mexican restaurant that my friend Rima and I had discovered a couple of days ago. Wanted to try something different this time around, so today my meal was a chivo  (sp) burrito, which is pulled goat meat, along with the standard refried beans and rice. Add to that some freshly made chips and salsa and an ice cold drink, all for a little more than $10, with tip, and you have one remarkably good meal. I ate out on the patio so that I could enjoy the beautiful weather while reading my book. Gainsville had a new record high today, 83 degrees Fahrenheit. I feel a little bad that a lot of the rest of the country is experiencing sub zero weather, but I am also happy that I am not there to share it with them.

    My last stop of the afternoon was at the Trader Joe's store, where I ran in and picked up a case of their, now, 4-buck chuck wine in various iterations. One of the best things about contra dancing for 6 days in Morgantown, VW the day after Christmas, is the after dance gathering every night. People have just danced for 4 hours and now it's time to relax, eat a few snacks, listen to everyone jamming, tell a few jokes and rehydrate in one way or another. Wine probably isn't the best way to do that, but it sure tastes good, and it's a lot of fun. What is even better is that in this case, if you happen to consume enough alcohol that you couldn't safely drive afterwards, you just stumble down a corridor or two and figure out which door your room is behind. So much better than going outside in the cold.

    Need to get back to the trailer now though. I want to start thinking about everything I will be needing over the next month or so. It's going to be a lot of stuff, but lucky for me... I have a truck.

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