Tuesday, October 7, 2014

   Packed up and left the Seattle area this morning. It takes a while to pack everything away again in the trailer if you have settled in for any length of time. But everything finally went back into it's own little cubby hole, or under a seat, all the tanks got drained, and the truck was finally hitched up to the trailer and ready to go.
    Pretty foggy in the area this morning, so it was a very nice day for travelling. Emma, my GPS, took me down I-405 and then on to the back highways through Renton, Puyallup and assorted other small towns. The sky cleared up as the morning progressed so that by 10:00 it was nice and sunny out once again.
    I had a good time driving down to my sisters house just outside of the town of Morton Washington. I wasn't in much of a hurry, so it was after 1:00 before I drove up the last little piece of dirt road and landed in their front driveway.
    Not much has been done since arriving here. I got the grand tour of their property and all of their out buildings and pastures of course. They have a beautiful place here, about 13 acres of mixed forest and pasture land, as well as the house, several barns and garages, and the best part, the swimming pool and tennis court. Unfortunately the pool is way to cold to swim in right now, and none of us play much tennis any more, but both seem to come in handy when any of their grand children show up. Other than that, and a short walk this evening, I mostly just sat around drinking wine and talking with my sister and her hubby. It is unfortunate that I showed up on the day that Martin had to have several of his teeth pulled out in preparation for some additional dental work. So he was pretty miserable this evening and still looking like a chipmunk with his checks packed full of nuts. It's good to be here finally, and I am looking forward to a couple of days here catching up with Barb.


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