Friday, September 28, 2012

   Yuck!!! It's raining here again. Started late this morning and it sounds like it won't really clear off again until sometime on Monday or Tuesday. Oh well, guess I'll just have to make the best of it anyway.

    Was up much earlier this morning than a 2 a.m. bed time last night warranted. Not sure what that was all about, but by 8:30 I was up and bouncing around the trailer. Took off late this morning and headed down to the town of Rockland to see the Maine Light House Museum and then visit a few real light house's in that vicinity. Got to the museum okay and really enjoyed walking around it for a couple of hours. They have one of the best collections of old light house light's, including many Fresnel lenses, that I've ever seen in one place. By the way, I got it wrong a day or two ago when I was talking about the sizes, (Orders), that they come in; stating that they went from 1st order to 10th, with 1st being the smallest and 10th being the biggest. There are actually only 6 orders, sizes, of lenses, 1st through 6th, with a 1st order lens being about as big as a lantern and a 6th order being more than 6 feet tall and weighing more than 4 tons.

     By the time I got out of the museum and had some lunch it was raining pretty good. Still decided to walk the nearly mile of granite causeway out to the north jetty entrance light at the Rockland Harbor. A very nice 'light House' looking light right at the end of the jetty, but unfortunately there is no real way to get a decent picture of it while standing on the causeway. It would of been much easier to get a good picture of it from a boat just off the end of the jetty. Oh well!

    By the time I finished walking out and then back it was raining pretty good, plus it was nearly 4:30 already, so I pointed the truck towards home and headed back up the highway in the rain. Actually took about 2 1/2 hrs to make it back to the trailer, even though it was only about 80 miles away. Lots of back roads and smaller highways to traverse.

    Made it back in time to grab a bite to eat, change clothes, grab my tennis shoes and head north to the contra dance up in the town of Alton. Nearly missed the dance hall as the address on the notice was not actually where it was being held. Lucky for me I had actually read the dance notice so I knew the name of the building, Happy Acres Dance Hall, and recognized it when I drove past.

   Not a bad dance by any means, but not all that great of one either. The caller, Bill Olsen, and band, T-Acadia, were pretty decent, but more than 75% of the people there were brand new beginners. Since there were only about 40 dancers to begin with that made it hard to do anything but the simplest dances.

    I usually don't mind new dancers, after all they may be the next really good dancer in a couple of weeks or so, but it was a little bit too much for me tonight. I think it might of been that I was tired to begin with, but all the bouncing and hopping and mis-timing that newbies do just burned me out early.  It will be so nice when I can dance another weekend dance with people that really know how to dance.

    Right now though it's time to read a little bit and then go hit the sack. I talked to one women at the dance tonight who lives in the village of Old Town and she told me where the new Old Town Canoe factory is and that they have a company store there that should be open on most days. So I think I'll run up there again tomorrow and see what I kind find out.

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