Sunday, October 27, 2013

    Finished up the last couple of hours of contra dancing just a little while ago. Like most Sunday dances, this one had some of the best dancing of the weekend. Surprised to find that there were still at least 120 people there for most of the session. Usually by Sunday at least half of the group is gone, either driving back home, where ever that is, or too tired to do any more dancing.

    I was pretty tired myself this morning at 9:00 when I finally got up, but nothing was going to keep me from doing the last couple of hours to the music of Elixir. The band was really on this morning and Nils called some really fun dances. I was having so much fun that it wasn't until the last dance was called when I realized that I hadn't even taken a water break during the session. It was beginning to show too, as my brain cells must of been dying by the millions by that point. The good thing is that nearly everyone else was in the same boat, tired, prone to mistakes and still just having a great time.

    It ended all to quickly of course and then it was done. Rather sad packing up the shoes and putting the name button away for the last time. From there it was off to the RV store in order to pick up a couple of things for the trailer. Needed a new window knob for one of the windows up front in the bedroom. The current one had started to turn without moving the window in or out because the plastic threads had been stripped out over the years. Had picked up a new one a while back in Colorado, but hadn't noticed then that I needed one with a 'long' neck on it. So I picked up a new one of those as well as a new hot water heater anode. Haven't replaced that for nearly a year and a half so  it is most likely due for a new one. Certainly better to replace that periodically with a $20 part than to have the actual water heater 'rot' through and need replacing at a cost of more than $600.

   Sitting in a Micky D's right now re-hydrating and eating a bit of late lunch. Need to head back to the trailer now and maybe take a short walk along the lake before it gets to dark. Will try to get a meal or two made up this evening that I can eat on for the next several days. I'll be up way to early tomorrow morning and on the road towards Austin and I don't like to cook much while I'm travelling on the road. Not sure how long it will take me to drive all the way to Austin from here, but I think 2-3 days should pretty much do it if I don't lolly-gag too much. Will try to keep up with posting along the way, but there is likely to be little to write about most of the time. You never know though.

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