Tuesday, October 29, 2013

   Woke up this morning to a grey and foggy day. Lucky for me it was still the same rest area I had been in when I went to bed, but it was hard to tell with writhes of smoky fog swirling around me as I traipsed over to the bathroom. It only lasted about 15 min's more after I was up. Long enough for me to get something to eat and for the morning sun to burn it all away. Not that there was actually much sun either. More like, just a hint, enough that you sorta knew it was up there somewhere, but not exactly sure where in the sky it actually was.

    It stayed cloudy and grey pretty much the whole day. Kind of cool in the morning, with a few brief rain showers to go along with the clouds, and then later, warming up, but still staying grey. I'm hearing now that there will be a chance of 1"-4" of rain here in the area over the next 12-18 hours, so that should be a good test as to whether or not the roof leak is still a going concern.

    The here in the last statement is somewhere just north of the town of Saldano Texas. I made it past the oddly named towns of Archadelphia, Olohoma and Texarkana and then on through Dallas earlier in the day, so I'm actually only 70 some miles north of Austin right now. My goal for the night is a rest area just south of Saldano where I hope to find a spot to park the rig for the night. I may actually be placing too much faith in that hope, based on the two other rest areas I've stopped at so far in this state. Talk about old, run down and unattractive. But then again, what should one expect from a state that prides itself on not taxing anyone, because hey, you can always stop at McDonald's or Wal-mart if you need to pee..... maybe you'll even buy something while you're there. (Sorry, I'm getting tired, I drank way to much caffeine today and I'm starting to rant again).

    On to Austin tomorrow morning where I hope to find someplace to actually camp for a couple of days. The RV place I contacted and signed up for a reservation at, never actually sent me anything back confirming that. So I maybe scrambling a little bit again tomorrow. It's all good though, and in the end I am sure I'll be able to figure something out no matter what obstacles come up.

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