Sunday, January 17, 2016

    More rain on the trailer last night.... hours and hours of it. But lucky for me it didn't start until I was back home from the dance around midnight. The contra dance was great fun, my leg held up real well and I managed to dance every single dance in the first hour and a half and several more after the mid dance break. The band, Avant Gardeners, was playing some wonderful tunes and the callers had pulled out a few more challenging dances.
    The dancing this afternoon was also fun, but I didn't stay for more than 2 hours of it. I was feeling a need to be away from people and took a drive out to the beach instead. It wasn't quite as nice today as yesterday, but the temperature was still in the high 60's so it was more than warm enough to take a nice walk and watch the waves come in.
    Discovered a couple minor leaks in the trailer now that it has rained for so long. One is up front somewhere around the front window which is directly over the head of the bed. The outside cover up there is cracked in several places so it looks like enough rain leaked in to find some small hole around the window seal. I will try to fix the cover somewhat when it clears up, probably going to be using some duct tape and caulking, but we'll see.
   It also turns out the the vent cover over the refrigerator combustion chamber is broken. It's hard to see from the ground, but it is broken enough that water can come straight down it. Eventually it will need a whole new vent cover, not something that is that hard to install, but first I'll try for a temporary fix and then see about finding a new one somewhere.
    Anyway; there are several things that will need to be attended to in the net day or two. I have two more days here in this area but then I'm packing up and heading west to the Tampa/St Pete area. Looking forward to some more fun times.

Contra Dance Week in Ely England - April 7 to 16 - Part VI

This is evidently the oldest 'Plane Tree' in England. A truly extra large tree, check out another photo below. 

Another perspective that shows how large this tree has grown.

A bunch of us are on a tour of some of the other buildings that are associated with the school where we are staying. As always the Cathedral is prominent in your view no matter where you are in the city.

Rima getting ready to go into one of the buildings that are now being used as admin and common areas. There is still one of the original chapels in one end however and there will be pictures of that in a little bit.

Looking across the road at the front side of the building where Rima and I are staying.

Inside in the chapel.... some of the carved stone ribs on the ceiling. Each one of them looks to be different.

Another view of the ceiling and some of the stonework around the stain glassed windows.

The main window and the stonework surrounding it.

A close up of some of the carved stonework on the walls and ceiling. Much of it was smashed or damaged during the Reformation period several hundreds of years ago.

More stone carving.


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