Monday, January 18, 2016

   No rain over night, or today for that matter. Instead it has been nice a clear.... but much colder than one would expect while in Florida. This morning it was down in the low 30's so I had to get up and turn the little space heaters I have on and then get back into bed for another 30 minutes before it warmed up enough to get up and take my shower.
   It never really did warm up all that much today. It got nearly to 60 this afternoon, but not nearly warm enough to feel comfortable out and about with out at least a light coat on. It also meant not being able to do some of the outside trailer maintenance that I wanted to do as I want the temp up around 70 before I do any outside caulking. The good part is that it is suppose to warm up slowly over the next few days, so maybe by the end of the week.
    In the meantime I spent a little time wandering around the park this morning. It was nice as the majority of campers, that nearly filled the park over the weekend, had all pretty much left. Even the resident flock of wild turkeys took it as a sign that it was once again safe to come out and wander about under the trees and across the grass areas near the pool. Will finish up running a few minor errands after finishing this up and then head back to the trailer for an early evening. Maybe time to break out a movie to watch.

Contra Dance Week in Ely England - April 7 to 16 - Part VII

We continued on our tour around some of the other school, cathedral and other town buildings. This is the steeple on another church located just across the road from the main cathedral.

The rear side of one of the town buildings. This one had some historical merit to it, as do many of them, but it has been so long now that I don't really know what it was.

This small cemetery, at the rear of the building noted above, holds many locals including several people who rebelled against some of the higher ups in the city government because of some taxation on basic food stuff, including flour.

This plaque gives the names and dates of some of the people who had rebelled against the establishment.

A basic English house.

This cannon is only a couple hundred years old and is of Russian heritage.

A basic brick row house. Of note is the small metal medallion mounted just above the door. It was issued by the local fire department several hundred years ago and showed that you had paid your "fire insurance" tax. With this on your house you could rest easy that the fire department would actually come out and try to save your home if it caught fire. Otherwise they would simply let it burn down. True Libertarian values at work.

Because of the tax structure way back when, it was evidently hard to adorn your home or business in extraneous ways without incurring an additional tax burden. One thing that didn't trigger additional taxes was a buildings chimney(s). As a result some of the chimneys around this area are wonders to behold.   

Amazing brick and tile work on some of the chimneys.

A local tree-shrub in bloom.


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