Tuesday, April 2, 2013

    Spent most of the afternoon over at "Henricus' Historical Park on a bend of the James River, and just a few miles from where I'm camped. This is the site of the 2nd European settlement in the new world. Discovered and settled in 1611 about 80 miles up river from the settlement of Jamestown, it was an offshoot of the original colony that, it was hoped, would prosper better than the original one was.
     It was named by its founder Sir Thomas Dole after Henry, one of the sons of King James I. More than 300 men and boys built the original palisade fort on a bend in the river while under attack from the local Powhatan Indians. They eventually got it all built and settled though and it was here that the Indian princess Pocahontas was actually brought to live and to be converted to Christianity. She was also of course wooed by John Rolfe, whom she eventually marries. That marriage to him eventually brings about peace between the Natives and the English settlers.

    It was also here that the 1st college in America was started. This school later went on to become the well known William and Mary college near present day Williamsburg. Other 1st's include the first planting and cultivation of tobacco, a crop that would soon become one of the main staples in this area.

   Of course since no one, including me, has ever heard of this place it must mean that something happened to it.... which it did. In 1622 the treaty signed in 1614 between the Powhatan Indians and the English ends when the younger brother of the Chief orders a coordinated offensive which destroys much of the town. By the time the Civil War rolls around, most of the building remains are gone and what wasn't already destroyed is annihilated by skirmishes that go on around the site as the Union army tries to force its way up river to Richmond.

    So all the buildings here now are recreations of what they believe to have been here before, built in the same manner as they would of been built before. On any given day there are several to several dozen people on site who are all dressed in period costumes doing period work, whether it is building a house, smithing nails or cooking over a indoor hearth. So it was a rather fun few hours of wandering around looking at stuff, talking to people and petting the tame goats and pig. There will be plenty of pictures at some point, but probably not for a few days at least. For today I have only a couple from my walk last night.

Sun Down at Pocahontas State Park near Richmond Virginia - March 1, 2013

A view of my trailer, Esmerelda, and truck here in the campground.

I saw these trees on my walk and wondered if it was just some kind of disease or something else until I noticed several others around the area. I wonder if this is some kind of 'shaggy bark' kind of thing. Anyone?

Sunset through the forest at Pocahontas State Park.

One more view.

   Found out this evening that I need to go back to Denver for at least a few days. I'll be flying out early on Thursday and staying at least a week there. Will be taking the lap top with me but not sure how much time I'll have to be on it. Will be finishing up some stuff around here tomorrow, doing some laundry and dealing with the trailer so I may post something yet tomorrow, but not sure about that at this time.

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