Sunday, January 11, 2015

   Packing up the truck and heading back south in the morning. It has been wonderful up here in the north during the holidays and time spent with Rima is always great. So there is a little sadness to go along with the excitement of being on the road once again.
   The last couple of days have been pretty slow really. Both Rima and I are still suffering with this lingering cough that seems to be going around amongst the population. Most days I wake up feeling like it is pretty much done, but by bed time it is right back in the top of my chest where it causes me to cough uncontrollably for several moments at a time. Then it's time for more aspirin, cough syrup, vix and assorted other medications. What seems to work best is just sleeping a lot, so I have been taking a lot of naps lately.
    Got out and about for a couple of hours yesterday in the afternoon. Wandered around and even piled up some more slash that needed to be picked up. Rima also had a couple loads of wood delivered and I helped stack one of the loads into the wood shed. She should be able to make it through the next couple of months now, or at least until I make it back up here in March.
    We drove into Roanoke this afternoon and spent an hour or so at the camping world there. I had wanted to see about picking up a new trailer leveler system to replace the current one that broke a part a few weeks ago. Turns out that they are a lot more expensive than I ever thought. So I'll likely keep the one I have and try to get the part re-welded again in the next week or two.
    Tonight we just hung out and watched a movie on the DVD player. Tonight's choice was 'Frozen', the latest and greatest from Disney. Frankly I couldn't see what all the excitement had been about, I thought there have been several recent comic style movies that were better. Still, it was well done and I can certainly see the appeal it might have for young girls that still believe in being a princess.
   Still time to pack a few more things up before getting some sleep. The plan is to drive 6-8 hours tomorrow and then find a cheap hotel for the night and go the rest of the way on Tuesday. That way I can get the trailer out of storage and have one day and night to get it back in shape before heading east towards the coast. I hope to actually have more time now that I'll be back on the road. We will just have to wait and see I guess.


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