Monday, January 19, 2015

    Yesterday was the last day of dancing at the Orange Blossom Ball. I didn't dance all that much.... I'm finding that I am still suffering some residual symptoms of the flu, or what ever it was that I have had for the past two weeks. What ever is going on is still making me very tired at times and I can still feel a bit of a nasal infection way down deep near the back of my throat. It seems like most days I get up, eat breakfast and then immediately go back to bed for a two hour nap. It is getting rather old.
    So I went, I dance for a little while, and then I went back to the trailer and watched a couple of movies. All in all it was a pretty uninteresting day..... oh, and I also took another nap later in the afternoon.
    Today has been beautiful out, and while I can still feel some congestion in the back of my nose, it was to nice to not spend all day indoors. So I took a nice long walk around the park where I am staying. Even though it is MLK weekend most of the campers that had pretty much filled the place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights are now gone. So I got a chance to see the turkeys out searching for acorns under the oak trees again as well as try to sneak up on a little armadillo. That is really hard to do by the way. They have such a small head that there can't be a whole lot of brain power going on there, but they certainly have a good set of ears because I never got closer than 20 feet to one of them.
   I went over to the store this afternoon and picked up some more fresh veggies and fruit and now I'm at a local McDonalds glomming on to their internet signal. Just about done however so I'm going to go ahead and finish this up.
   One good thing about just wanting to hang out at the trailer is that you get a chance to check out all those photo's you took weeks ago and then never got around to posting. The three from below were taken in early December on my trek east from the west coast. These are all from the highway that runs north to south along Lake Havasu in Arizona. I like all of the emptiness out there.

Desert Vistas near Lake Havasu in Arizona - Taken Dec. 2014

What I really like is how flat most of the land mass is out there. Then all of a sudden you have this whole mountain range that just sort of pokes itself up out of the ground.

I guess what happened was that this use to be an old lake or ocean sea bed that was uplifted long ago. Then a period of volcanism started that had magma coming out of large rifts and cracks that developed, and these mountains got built up layer by layer. Then over many more thousands, or millions of years, the surrounding area was eroded down leaving what you see. Pretty cool!

More nothing.....


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