Friday, June 8, 2012

    So the 1st night of contra dancing for the weekend dance is now over. 'Dance Trance' is really everything that a good dance should be. There is Perpetual e-Motion providing wonderful dance tunes, Gaye Fifer provided her usual excellent calling and giving us some good dances, and then there are the dancers. I really wasn't prepared to see all of these people I knew in one place. Granted; it wasn't a matter of me knowing the names of all of them, though I do actually know a lot of them, but I do recognize the vast majority of the nearly 300 people at this weekends dance.

   Very nice to know some very nice women who are great dancers and who want to dance with me. Only had to sit one dance out tonight and that was really my fault. Had to go to the bathroom and by the time I got back the dance had already started. That normally doesn't dissuade me, as the caller does call for a little bit after the music starts and I can usually pick the moves up. But in this case there was absolutely no room left to crowd another couple in. Five full lines of dancers all in one middle school gymnasium. Hot and a little sweaty tonight, but really not as bad as a few other recent dances I've been at.

   Not all that exciting of a day otherwise. Did have to go into town and pick up a new trailer water hose to replace the one I have. It had developed a couple small leaks over the year that I had patched with a couple layers of duct tape over several more layers of electrical tape. It worked for quite a while, but there must be enough pressure in this system that the leak, having no way to get out any more, actually leaked between the layers of the hose and the woven fibers they had put in to give it more strength and flexibility. Anyway, when I walked out this morning it looked like a blue snake that had swallowed a couple of watermelons. Glad it didn't burst before I saw it like that. Never did really like that hose from the moment I brought it home. So now I have a new one and it is hoped that it works better and stands up better than the last one did.

    So enough for today, it's now after 1:00 am and time to get some sleep. Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow yet, other than going out to lunch with a friend anyway. Probably won't dance until the session tomorrow night so I better go swallow a couple ibuprofen and get some sleep.

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