Monday, June 24, 2013

    Having a lot of trouble getting on line out at the state park I'm staying in at the moment. It appears that it is possible to get on line most of the time, but there isn't enough of a signal there for me to actually do anything or post anything once I'm on line. So I'm just going to have to wait until I can get out to a location with a better signal. Right now that means sitting in a McDonald's in Alliance Nebraska while drinking some ice tea.

   Didn't really do much of anything yesterday. Got woke up way too early by my family coming out and pounding on the door of the trailer at 6:30 this morning. I threatened them with bodily harm if they didn't have fresh donuts or rolls with them, but alas, they didn't have anything. They had been out checking on deer and elk in the real early morning, seeing quite a few of each on their drive. I was awake by then so I just grabbed a quick shower and headed on in to my nephews place in Chadron to meet up with them. We all hung out for a couple of hours until my sister and Mark took off for Scotts Bluff. They were headed down there to see their other son, his wife and their two grand kids. I'll be seeing most of them this next Sunday when they come up to go to lunch and then see the play 'Suessical' with me.

   Didn't really have much planned after all that, so I ended up over at the local theatre for the matinee showing of 'Man of Steel', the newest Superman movie. Actually pretty good overall, maybe a bit to much violence in the later part of the movie, but the plot was pretty good and the acting was decent. What was even better though was the Sunday matinee price of $4 for the movie.

   A little grocery shopping after that and a few phone calls to friends before heading back out to the state park. Had some dinner from a roasted chicken I had bought and then settled in to do some reading. Ended up falling asleep of course, but woke up enough to watch a movie on the computer in the evening. Tonight's choice was 'Love Actually', one of my all time favorites, and one that I've seem many times. It is still a fun movie to spend a quiet night with.

     A wonderful night for sleeping. Cooled down into the high 50's and just a hint of a breeze. I slept in late this morning and finally feel like I have caught up again. Went into Chadron looking for information on changing the license plates on both the truck and trailer to Nebraska registration. I'm not dissatisfied with having them registered in Colorado, it is just that they both come due in December and January of every year. That would not be a problem except that I am never anywhere near Colorado at that time of year, I'm usually somewhere in Florida or some other southern state. It wouldn't even be a problem then if they would mail them to my post office box so that my friend could pick them up and mail them on to where ever it is I am at that time of year. But after numerable change of address slips to the DMV, several on line changes and even 3 personal visits to the Longmont DMV office, they still continue to screw up and mail them off to my last known 'Home' address. Only one problem with that... I don't live there any more, and the person that does, seems to be getting tired of dealing with the whole issue every year.

    It would be okay if they would let me change the date in which they are due to June or July as I am always back in Colorado for at least some of that time. But they won't even let me pay 6 months ahead either. So I'm just going to bite the bullet and change states. With that in mind I stopped at what I thought might be the Chadron DMV office. Turns out it was only the post office, but while there I stopped a lady on the steps going in and asked her if she knew where I needed to go and who I needed to see to get some Nebraska plates. What a surprise it was when she looked at me and said, "Why you need to see me at my office on the 2nd floor of the county court house just down the street a couple of blocks". Couldn't get any better than that if I wanted to. So she was able to tell me what I would be needing, title, insurance card and check book, and that I would have to have the State Patrol on the 3rd floor, do a VIN number verification, otherwise it was just a matter of paying money. So I'll be heading down there bright and early... okay, maybe not that early, tomorrow morning to get all of that changed around.

   Once done there I headed east out of town and stopped at the Fur Trading Museum of the Rockies. A very nice little museum dedicated to the fur trade and everything there is to know about it. It mostly deals with fur trading done in the US and Canada, but also has info and displays from as far away as Alaska, Russia and the South Seas. The first time there it took me hours and hours to go through it, now I can go in and re-read only what I want to so I'm down to only two hours or so. I highly recommend it to anyone who has any interest in the subject or who is interested in western history, as it was the fur trade that drove the initial exploration and settlement of most of the continent.

    On to the town of Hays Springs where I turned south towards Alliance. Stopped at 'Car Henge' again just to get out and stretch and take a few pictures. Still seems like a pretty bizarre thing to build, but it was remarkably well attended while I was there. So it seems to be good for local business.

   Going to go wander around the downtown area of Alliance after I finish up my ice tea, just for something to do. Then it will be back to the state park for the rest of the afternoon and evening. May have to go look for deer and elk myself later on after it cools down a little bit. Looks like the afternoon/evening thunderstorms are starting to build again, and this time there seems to be some wind associated with them so there is a better chance for hail today. Hope I can dodge around it if it comes.


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