Sunday, June 23, 2013

 Not real sure where I stopped off on my last post so some of this may be a bit of a
repeat… I’m just not sure and my internet connection out here at the state park is so
 poor, that there is no way to even check what I wrote yesterday. So here it goes.
    Met up with my sister and her husband yesterday evening after they drove all the
way up from Imperial. They had a good drive up, only having to deal with a couple of
small rain showers along the way. Just to the north of me here in the park however, a
major rain storm was rolling through the town of Chadron. Where I had just a few drops
 of rain here at the trailer, parts of the town there were experiencing 4-5 inches of rain
 in less than an hour.
     All of us drove into town around 8:30 as we were going to meet up with my nephew,
Brian, at the bar where he and his band would be playing that evening. Seems that he
 was a bit late as he had been home sandbagging a couple of holes around the house
that were draining rain water right down into his basement. Not a lot of damage there
 though, so he was soon over at the bar and getting hooked up for their first set. The
 band he is in was started by an older man, Rick Bahr, who had been a bass session
 player back in the 60’s and 70’s for a lot of well known bands and singers. So the
 band’s name was a takeoff on his last name and they became known as the ‘Bahr
Flies’.  They play mostly older rock and country songs, but they also do a few newer
 songs too. With 4 in the band, Rick on Bass, Brian on electric guitar, Rama on acoustic
 and Dave on drums, they put out an awful lot of sound. I stayed for the first 3 sets and
 enjoyed hearing them play. It was also a lot of fun watching all the dancing and sexual
 foreplay going on as the night wore on and the alcohol level went up. At one point we
 were betting on which guy was going to get drunk enough to either throw up or fall down
first on the dance floor. A couple of near misses, but nobody ended up going all the way
     It was late when I got back to the trailer so there was no hurry for me to get up early
 this morning. A leisurely breakfast and then a quick drive into town to meet up with
 everyone again. I did one quick stop at the auto parts store where I picked up a window
 regulator that I had ordered just yesterday. This part is for the 3rd window in my “FORD”
 truck that has gone bad on me. Seems that everyone, including Ford knows about this
 problem, they just refuse to deal with it. I guess they would rather have people pay them
 $400-$500 dollars every time one stops working. Anyway; my nephew said he would
 help me put it in if I wanted, but even if we don’t get to it while I’m up here I realized that
 I would actually have a garage available to work in come August, so I can even wait
 until then if need be.
      Hung out with everyone at  their house for a couple of hours and had pizza with them
 for lunch. Then we all had errands to do so we split up to deal with all of that. I ended up
 over at Mickey D’s for a couple of hours finishing up some bill paying and checking on
 email and such.
     We all met back up at 5:30 this evening, when we all hit the road for Crawford, a small
 town about 25 miles to the west of Chadron. We went over there to a restaurant we know
 of and had a very pleasant dinner before our play. I had chicken fried chicken, a dish I
 haven’t had since the last time I was here last year, hot bread, salad and mashed
potatoes. Really good stuff with plenty of white gravy to go over the chicken and the
mashed potatoes that come with it. Yum!
     The play, out at the Post Playhouse at Fort Robinson State Park, started at 8:00, so
we were there a bit early to pick up the tickets I had ordered at will-call. Tonight’s feature
 was ‘Always Patsy Cline’, a play I have seen several times before, but always enjoy. We
 were not disappointed at tonight’s performance either, as the two main leads and the 5
 piece band, led us through several of the last years of Patsy’s life via song and dance.
 Good performances by the actress playing Patsy, she had a very good voice and pretty
much had her singing style nailed. But not quite…. Nobody can do Patsy like Patsy could.
 The other actress that played Louise was a real cut up, she had the audience laughing for
 most of the performance. I had a really good time with my family and I think my sister,
Mark, Brian and Liz did also.
    More rain fell while we were at the play, but the roads were only a little damp. Much
 more dangerous for us tonight were the 3 separate deer who seemed to be wanting to
 commit suicide right out in front of the truck. Managed to miss them all however and
 made it back to the trailer, after dropping the others off, by 11:00.
    Not sure if this is going to post or if I’ll just have to wait until tomorrow when I can get
 back into town and a stronger signal. Guess I’ll just have to try it. Oh; there are also a few
 photos from several weeks ago below. Tonight they are from a short hike I and a friend
did out to the harbor entrance light house in Oswego New York.   

Oswego Harbor Entrance Light House - June 2013

A view out to the end of the Oswego Harbor Break Wall where the harbor entrance light sits. Not sure how long the break wall is but I would guess that it is at least 2 miles long.

The walk out to the Light House is actually more like a hike.


A closer view of the blocks of granite used in the break water that you have to hike across in order to get to the light house.

A good friend of mine, Rima, joined me in the hike out there. It was nice to know that there was someone there to help if I feel into a crack and broke something.


As you get closer you notice that it isn't quite as pretty as when you are further away and can't see all of the rust. 



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