Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013

   Finally a day to just sit back and relax a bit. Slept in a little while this morning, about 8:00 I think, before it started to warm up to much to stay in bed. A relaxing morning spent with George and Marge eating breakfast and reading an actual news paper again. After a pleasant couple of hours it was time to get some laundry done again and then I spent a bit of time helping them change some light bulbs around the house that required getting up on a ladder to fix.

    Actually took a short nap this afternoon after a nice rain storm came through and cooled everything down. It was good timing in that I was up and ready to go by the time George and I had to leave to meet up with Tom for a Boys Night Out movie

   We went out and saw the latest Lone Ranger movie this evening. Not a great movie over all, but there were certainly a lot of good parts scattered about in it. It just had a few sections that didn't make much sense, and few parts that made no sense at all. Plus, I didn't like how they played the character of the Lone Ranger, it didn't suit what he has traditionally been like and so it was very easy for Johnny Depp to steal the show from him, as he had the much better part, and a much better character to play.

    Dinner was over at Red Robin of course, where everybody seems to know our name. Emily took good care of our food and drink needs and the manager, I'm not sure what his name is, but Tom and George know him better, came over to see what movie we had seen and whether or not we liked it. Late getting back home but am now just about ready to call it a night. Will be heading back up to Longmont sometime in the morning to deal with some routine tire issues on the truck and the trailer. I bent the rim on one of the trailer tires a couple months ago in West Virginia, I'm not sure why it didn't just blow up then, and it needs to have the wheel replaced and the tire to be remounted on it. Also want to get the truck tires rotated while I'm there as it is time for that to happen also.

     It is suppose to be up around 98 degrees tomorrow afternoon without to much of a chance for rain, but we'll see how that goes. Will try to drop in to Washington Park tomorrow evening and check out the crowd at the boat house folk dancing. It will be good to see some of those people again and to of course see 'Sugar', the guy who started the dancing there some 43-44 years ago. Such fun!

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