Friday, July 6, 2012

    The day after the 4th of July... I guess that makes it the 5th today, but not all together sure yet, my head is still aching from what was most likely too many margarita's and a sky full of forest fire smoke from a fire in Wyoming. A little caffeine and a couple Advil have really made some inroads on the pain though, so maybe another hour or two at the most.

   It was a fun party last night... lots of friends whom I haven't seen for a year or more. One set, Dan and Chris, I haven't seen for more than 35, so that was pretty cool. They were part of that generation that grew up with us at the boat house in Washington Park, so there was a bit of reminiscing going on.

    Lots of other fun friends to catch up with also. It sometimes astounds me with what great friends I have ended up with. I think bonding during those long canoe trips makes a difference, especially when you have to come to some consensus about meals and sleeping arrangements and where and when the next potty break is.

   So here are a couple of photo's from the day. Sorry there aren't any of the actual party. Once it got going I kind of forgot about taking any pictures of anyone.

My friends house from the lake shore looking at the back deck and yard.

This is the view you get from the back deck and living room. My friends have all the best toys. There is really no need to own your own boats, but most of us have a few, at least a canoe or kayak or two, of our own.
A closer view of some of the boats and the lake.
The hosts of today's party, my best friends Tom and Donna. Aren't they cute!
Getting some of the snacks ready. This is just a very small portion of all the food there was. Nothing says 4th of July like M & M's.
They bought the cake, but Donna did the fruit decoration. Very patriotic.
The upper deck overlooking the lake.
The 'boat house'. Almost all of the boats, other than the sailboat, fit in here during the winter.
A major family member, Rhodie, the chocolate lab. She is actually really cute... and smart. I just thought this picture was kind of fun even if it isn't her best side.
Not officially a member of the family, Lucy lives down the block a couple of houses but likes to come visit Rhodie when mom is out of town.
Nimbus was 'helping' with the decorating.
Sirius just felt like all the ruckus was beneath her. A very wise cat indeed.

     Met up with a bunch of friends for lunch then today. Mexican food again.... and it wasn't even my choice. Afterwards we all went out for another 'Boy's Night Out' type of movie, even though there were a couple of girls that came along to this one. The new 'Spider Man' movie was our pick for the day and it was excellent. It was maybe a bit better than the original ones in that the special effects were several years newer, and I liked the story line a bit better, even if it was similar to the first Toby McGuire one. Even Marge, who is in her 70's, and doesn't like car crashes or death and destruction thought it was okay, tho it could of been a bit shorter.

   Dinner with a friend this evening and then off to Washington Park to do a little folk dancing. Saw a few more people tonight that haven't been there for the past several times. My friend Joe even showed up near the end of it. I introduced him to a friend of mine, Claire, in the hopes that he will come back again to either folk dance or contra dance if he knows at least one person. A beautiful night to dance outside by the lake.

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