Monday, July 16, 2012

    Welcome to my friends from Colorado, George and Marge, who showed up yesterday afternoon for a stay of 5 days or so. Have known this couple for more than 40 years now and in many ways they have always been a second set of parents to me. Though we generally have way too much fun together to be related.

    We got them unpacked and set up in the trailer. George is now on oxygen full time, so there are a few extra things to be done to accommodate all of that gear. but we have a system worked out now so it goes pretty fast. The trailer is pretty cozy when we are all in it together, but it works out okay for the short amount of time they will be spending with me. Normally they end up in the bedroom up front with me riding the couch for the nights they will be here. Doesn't really bother me that much since I end up taking a lot of naps there anyway, so I'm kind of use to it by now.

     We have way to much food of course because that is always the way when several friends get together for a few days. So far the only problem we have encountered is in not having enough ice cubes for all the drinks we have been consuming. I'm afraid my little fridge/freezer isn't quite up to the task of making all that much ice so quickly.

    Because of the heat, nearly 100 degree's, we decided on just a nice tossed salad with some roasted chicken on it and then some fruit salad mixed with blackberry yogurt for desert for dinner last night. Turned out to be the perfect meal with lots of ice cold kool-ade to go with it. It clouded up and rained a little bit during dinner and cooled things off a good 20 degrees or so. After eating we all hopped in the truck and I took them for a nice drive to look at all the animals I knew would be coming out at dusk to feed. Lots of turkeys and their young ones to look at and more deer than you would think possible. I reckon we saw between 200-300 all together. Lots of cute little ones with their little white tails waving and the spots still on their coats. Many of the doe's had twins this year, so it was real fun to watch a couple of them playing with each other. Boy can they run though.

    Also came across one nice group of elk out feeding on a cut alfalfa field. We counted a total of 18 over all, with most of them being cows and calf's. There were at least 3 bulls in the bunch though. Two were spikes with horns about 18"-24" tall and one 2x2 bull with antlers a little bit longer than that.

   We sat up for a little while last night and enjoyed the cool breeze and the lightning show going on off to the NE of us. Lots of good lightning and thunder to enjoy. I left the door open after going to bed and watched the 'fireworks' for a good long time before finally dropping off to sleep.

    Company means getting up earlier than usual, so it was only 8:00 when I rolled out of bed. A good breakfast and then some time just sitting and talking. I needed to come into town to get on the net so I could see about getting a couple more tickets for Fridays play for both of my nephews. I think I managed to get them reserved last night from camp, but not real sure about anything really working with the signal from out there. So I need to finish this up and get busy again before heading back to camp.

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