Tuesday, July 10, 2012

   A nice drive up to Chadron State Park this morning after spending a couple of hours hanging out at the Cabela's RV camp. Sleeping was wonderful last night once the sun set and the temperature went down a few degrees. I love my bed, even if the mattress isn't of the highest quality, it sure beats setting up a tent every night and sleeping on the ground. Nice and cool until almost 11:00  this morning and no humidity to speak of so it was nice to just lay in bed for an extra half hour and figure out a few plans for the next couple of months. It's going to be a busy time for sure.

   No problems on the way up, hardly any traffic and the wind was blowing towards the north for a change. Stopped for some lunch in Alliance around 1:00 pm. Haven't picked up many groceries yet so I went out for lunch at a Chinese restaurant there in town. It was okay... but certainly not memorable.

   Pulled into the camp ground around 3:00 pm and checked in at the little hut right at the entrance. The state of Nebraska doesn't reserve all of their camp sites in their campgrounds so there are always a few that are issued on a first come basis. I always count on that here in Chadron and it worked out fine once again. Ended up in site #41 along the back side of the camp. It is one of the few that is next door to a water faucet. So I pulled in and got all set up with out any problem. I generally attach a faucet splitter in a situation like this. That way I can attach a water hose directly to the faucet and still leave a way for others to get water out of the faucet with out having my hose in the way.

    I'm at McDonald's in Chadron at the moment using their WiFi signal. Unfortunately even my own Verizon WiFi thing'y won't pick up a signal out there. So I'll be bringing the computer with me when ever I take a drive in order to get on line and check email and such. It's a bit of a hassle, but it can be done.

    Off to do some grocery shopping after this. Have put off buying much before this because there was no reason to transport food all the way up to here from Denver. Will pick up enough for the next week or so, but don't want to buy to much, especially stuff that needs to be refrigerated as the trailer will be going back into storage about two weeks from now and I don't want to be throwing stuff out.

    Need to get a hold of my nephews and their families and see what they are all doing. Would like to take them all out for dinner and a play in the next week or two , but will have to see what their schedule is. Also need to talk to my friends George and Marge and let them know I made it up here okay and what site I'm camped in. They are planning on coming out on either Sunday or Monday so we need to make some plans for them also.  Looking forward to seeing every one, seeing some plays and doing a little fishing.

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