Thursday, November 29, 2012

    A beautiful day here in central Florida. Sunny, with a few drifty clouds and plenty of warmth. Nearly 78 degrees out there this afternoon if the truck temperature gauge is at all reliable, and it usually matches up to other bank thermometers and such.

   Drove into Chiefland after noon and finally managed to get my hair cut today. Even at my age I still find that chore to be really onerous. Not sure why I feel this way, perhaps it is a feeling that it is such a waste of time, but I do and probably always will dislike it. It may also be that I was so traumatized when I was real young and one of my sisters always ended up cutting my hair. I'm not sure if it was the indignity that came with actually having a cereal bowl put on my head and everything trimmed off that fell below it, or the ear twisting that occurred when I wouldn't sit still. Either way I'm blaming my sister for this psychotic loathing.... and yes, she knows who she is. :)

   Once that chore was done I could get on to bigger and better things. Drove on over to Gainsville and spent several hours doing some Christmas shopping as well as some shopping errands of my own. Actually got most of it done in one fell swoop, but then there isn't all that many gifts to buy these days. Now I just need to get some of it wrapped up and mailed away. Yeah!

   Called up the Gainsville Theatre earlier and picked up a ticket for tonight's performance. The play this evening was their holiday selection of 'White Christmas'. One nice thing about being on your own is that there is always at least one good seat still available. Tonight was no different as I ended up in the 3rd row right off of the center line. Of course the theatre was only about 2/3rd's full anyway. It is after all still a Thursday night and it isn't even December yet.

    The play was a little gem of a production. Of course I'm not much of a critic since I consider anyone who can get up on a stage and act or sing is worth a good review just for that alone. The play was actually a lot better than that anyway and there were a few outstanding parts like there usually are in a local production. It was also nice to hear a few of those wonderful old Irving Berlin classics being sung. It almost made me nostalgic for some cold temperatures and a little snow. That ended as soon as I left the theatre and found the temp had dipped all the way down to 68 degrees. That was cold enough for me tonight.

    A pleasant drive home in the dark without hitting any critters though I did see a skunk, two raccoons and a couple of deer. None of them were intent on committing suicide this evening though. Time to go get some sleep now, for some reason I'm tired tonight.

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