Wednesday, January 9, 2013

    A beautiful. balmy day here in central Florida. The temperature got up to nearly 80 this afternoon and with just a hint of humidity and a slight breeze, it was wonderful to be out and about. Spent a lot of the day out walking some of the trails here in the park. Didn't see much of any real note, a couple deer and armadillos is all, but still good just to be out and walking again. Went into town late this afternoon and watched the movie 'Les Mizerables'. A good movie overall, very strong performances from all the main players, but I have to say that it is still much better done on the stage.

    Called a few people while still in town as I haven't spoken to most of them for more than a month. So my mom is doing okay as are my friends in Colorado. A sister in Nebraska and her family are also doing okay it seems. Will try to talk to a few more over the next couple of days as I try to catch up on what is going on in other parts of the country.

    Fell asleep late this morning after eating and reading the comics and doing the crossword. Thought it would be a short 15 min nap, but two hours later I finally woke back up. Obviously needed more sleep than I thought, but it did seem to help with the congestion that is still parked deep in my upper chest. Would really like to see that disappear for good in the next day or two so there will be more salt water snorting, vapor breathing and hot tea drinking going on. I hate being sick, and I'm not really very good at it. Mostly I'm just a real bear to be around when not feeling good. My general way of dealing with it is to just curl up in bed until it goes away. Hopefully I'm a bit nicer once it all goes away.

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