Sunday, April 29, 2012

    Decided to get this posted a bit early today while I'm in a spot with decent WiFi. Finished up the last contra dance a couple of hours ago now and am still coming down from those last couple of dances. Fun, fun, fun.... I'm not sure what it is about the Great Bear Trio that make them such a fun band to dance to except maybe it is because they don't play a lot of 'traditional' style contra dance music. Tried to figure it out once, but the closest I could come to an explanation is that they play music that would of been right at home at any concert, or even prom dance, in the 70's. Except of course, they're music is so much better. Today a couple songs reminded me of Peter Frampton's guitar licks and a few others were like full orchestra versions of ELO or the Moody Blues. What ever it is, it's great fun and the dancing and calling were perfect. Also; made a mistake last time on the other bands name. It is Land of Sky, not Land and Sky. They turned out to be a very good band also and today near the end of the dance both bands joined together on the last 3-4 songs and it really rocked there. Lots and lots of happy faces. Sweaty.... but happy.

   Met lots of new people at this dance and had some wonderful dance partners. Certainly hope to run into some of them again at future dances, and what was really nice is that several pretty much said the same thing back to me.  I'm going to be a bit immodest here and say that more than a few women complimented me on my dancing skill and by the end of the weekend it was obvious that some were actually seeking me out for a dance. That of course is a wonderful thing to have happen and really helps build a guys ego. I don't think there is to much to worry about me getting too fat of a head though, I already have to wear extra large hats, when I wear them, and I don't want to have to go out and buy any new, bigger ones.

    Grabbed a shower at the dance camp before leaving there so I'm feeling clean and sweat free again. Will need to do some laundry this next week, but there won't be a whole lot of that and I'll have a full week to find a pay laundry to take it to. They announced the line up for next's years dance this afternoon and it is going to be one that shouldn't be missed. 'Hot Point String Band' and 'Notorious' will be the two bands, either one of which is good enough to carry a weekend dance on their own. The callers will be Nils Fredland and Diane Silver, again, two excellent callers in their own right. I also think I figured out a spot where I can park the trailer at the dance. The campground I'm at wasn't bad, but it was still off and away from everyone and it would of been more fun and easier to interact with some of the other dancers if I had been camped there with everyone else. Of course, with statements like that all of my friends will begin to think I'm turning into a extrovert.... rest assured; I'm not!

   Going to hang out at the campground I'm at for one more night, but am pulling out early in the morning and heading on over to Fayetteville, West Virginia. Not sure what there is around that area, but it will be fun exploring it. I do know they have a well known gorge and river right there. I'm thinking it's the Gauly River, a well know white water river, but not sure about that. Would like to find a nice short stretch of river to throw the canoe on again, but will have to check out what is there. It's kind of a hassle at times not having another boater to go with. Makes running a shuttle a hassle and there is always that safety thing hanging out there.

  Already looking forward to another dance weekend next week. Must seem at times like the only thing I do is go from dance to dance and ignore everything else in between. But I am also looking forward to exploring some more new country and meeting some new people. I mean, why else would someone go to Fayetteville unless they worked or knew someone there?  So the dancing is just a pleasant excuse to visit some of the places I do. Time to go get some dinner.

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