Saturday, April 21, 2012

   Made it into the Raleigh-Durham area early this afternoon after a quiet 3 hour drive through some very pretty country. Up through the towns of Red Springs, Antioch and Sanford and on into Raleigh and then on to the Chapel Hill area. Pulled into the Birchwood RV Park and met the owner on the way out as I was headed in. He had a nice spot for me even though it wasn't a full hook-up. (No sewer connection). Still; it backs up on some woods and has water and electric and there's a dump station close by for when I leave.

   He actually led me over to the spot and helped me back in so I could miss the trees on either side, which was a nice touch. Got all set up and finally had a late lunch, after which it was time for a short nap since sleep last night at the rest area, wasn't all that restful. An hour or so of sleep on the couch and the day was looking much better. Plenty of hot water by then so it was time for a quick shower before dressing for the contra dance this evening. Had visited one of my favorite dance sites, Contra Corners, while eating lunch and found out that there was a contra dance over at North Carolina State College this evening. Had a few reservations about going, as dances on college's are often over populated by young, over hyped young dancers who are full of enthusiasm but aren't very good dancers. But what the hell, missed the regular weekly area dance that was last night, so there wasn't much choice.

   As it turns out, the dance was actually a lot of fun. It was overloaded with young kids who weren't very good dancers over all, but there were enough older people, as well as a few younger one's, who knew how to dance, that it turned out okay. Danced enough to get a bit sweaty and have some fun at least. Wish I was going to be here on the 5th when one of my favorite bands, Contrazz, are playing and Beth Molaro (sp) is calling. That is going to be an awesome dance, but I'll be dancing to the the Contrarians and Avant Gardners, so I'm not going to complain to much.

   Hit some heavy rain on the drive back to the trailer and couldn't help but remember that I had left most of the roof top vents open when I left. It of course rained pretty good in the trailer while I was gone, but nothing a towel and diligent mopping couldn't take care of. Besides, the floor needed a good mopping anyway. One lucky thing is that I had left the vent over the bed closed when I left and even had the insulation pillow still stuffed in it from today's travel. Good thing because that vent has sprouted a leak somewhere around the outside rim. Not much of a leak, but really annoying when you are trying to sleep. Plan to get up on the roof in the next day or two anyway and see what the problem is. May need to  put down a layer of rubberised roofing material all around the vent seams if the silicone caulking isn't going to do the trick. Noticed a Home Depot on the way in this evening, so if need be they will have what ever materials I'll need to get it fixed.

   Was getting the electric kettle and a few canned goods out from under the dining table seat, where they live while on the road, when I noticed the jug of lemon-cello there that my sister, Barb, and her husband Marty, had made several months ago down in Florida. Couldn't help but wonder if it was ready yet as it usually takes a couple of month's for it to 'ripen' into the real thing. So I opened it up and gave it a good try.... Whoo-ee, that is some strong stuff that's for sure. The taste was pretty good though, so I took out about 20 oz's and stuck them in the freezer while closing the rest up and sticking it back under the seat. Will taste this over the next week or two and by then the rest should have mellowed just a little bit more. Taste's pretty good, but I have a feeling it could knock you on your ass if you aren't careful.

   Hope to meet up with some friends of mine in the next day or two. Haven't seen them for a good 15-20 years so we should all have some new stories to tell. Looking forward to seeing some of the area around here also. Very pretty, what I've seen of it so far, hilly and tree's so thick you can't see more than 50 yards into the woods. Which reminds me.... saw my first magnolia in full bloom this morning while driving. It was spectacular and I hope to see many more over the next week or two.

   One final note; passed the 200 view's limit for this Blog yesterday.... I know, it isn't all that many, but I think it's kind of cool. Still have a good contingent in Russia and China that are reading this. Sure hope they aren't using it in order to practice their English reading and writing skills. For that it would be better to find someone who is a bit better at writing than I am.

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