Sunday, November 24, 2013

   Much cooler outside today, just as advertised. Really not all that bad, sure it's only 60 degrees out there, but still warm enough that I'm still in shorts and a t-shirt. Of course that is usually what I wear down to below freezing, as long as the wind isn't blowing too hard outside.

    Even with all of the cub scouts camped around me last night, they managed to remained pretty quiet for most of the morning. By 10:00 though they had already packed up and left and by 2:00 this afternoon nearly everyone else who had come for the weekend were gone also. Only a dozen or so long term people left to spend at least one more night if not dozens.

   I just hung out for most of the morning and on into the afternoon. Grew kind of bored after that though and just needed to get out and about. Grabbed the truck and headed for town on a kind of made up chore. When I had transferred my trailer toolbox contents into a new box the other day I had noticed that there wasn't any real pliers in there with all the other tools. Sure, there were channel locks, as well as vise grips, but no plain jane set of pliers. I headed for Chiefland and the Ace Hardware store there to see what they had to offer up. Of course any hardware store can keep me occupied for at least an hour, if not more. So many things to look at.... so little money to buy it all. Ended up buying one of those blister packs they sell, that not only had my desired pliers but also another set of channel locks, some vise grips and a set of diagonal cutters, all for $10 plus tax.

    Had a nice phone call from a good friend in Virginia. Sounds like it is even colder up there than it is here.... even if it isn't snowing there yet. Will be heading that way myself in a couple of weeks and I have been taking stock of what kind of warm clothing I have in the trailer already. As long as it isn't an all out blizzard for days at a time I should be okay, but will still be checking and making sure just in case.

    Made it back to the campground in time to take a quick hike over to the river before the sun went down. A nice, but cool walk, I actually had to put a coat on to do it in comfort. A few deer out there tonight as well as the usual squirrels and armadillos, no wild pigs today though.

    Tonight I'll just hang out, maybe watch a movie and read some of my book. Otherwise I'm just going to drink tea and think of what it is I want to do tomorrow.

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