Saturday, November 23, 2013

    Stayed up until after 4:00 last night.... yes, the book was that good. Got started on a new, for me, Lee Child novel, he does the Jack Reacher series, and I just couldn't put it down and go to sleep. Even after finishing it up it was at least another hour before I was sufficiently tired to turn the light out and close the eyes. Should of known of course, that if I'm up really late it will mean something, or somebody will make a point of waking me up way earlier than I want to be. Happened again this morning... didn't realize that a whole cub scout pack had set up their camp right behind where I'm camped last night. So several of them were up and about around 5:30 this morning. Normally not a big deal, but it ain't even light out at that time of the morning.  :)   Not to worry, after figuring out what all the noise was about I managed to roll over and go back to sleep until nearly 9:00 this morning.

    Once up it was easy to see that it was going to be a beautiful day. Bright and sunny and already warming up to what must of been about an 82-85 degree high for the day. Went ahead and got some breakfast and read the comics before heading out for one of several hikes for the day. Only trekked over to the Suwanee River from here in the campground, but it was nice to be out and about in the wonderful weather.

    Grabbed the truck when I got back and headed for Fanning Springs State Park. Just a small park only a few miles from here, but last year I saw several manatee that had swam up into where the spring bubbles out of the ground. Nothing there this morning, but still a nice chance to get out and walk around again.

    Went on down to Manatee Springs State Park after that. It is just a few miles west of the town of Chiefland, so not all that far to drive either. There were a couple of manatee's hanging out at the mouth of the spring, but it was a bit difficult to see them very well in the tannic colored water. Still; it was worth while to go out to the park and then wander out the elevated walkway along the spring race.

   After a couple hours out there, it was back into town for some late lunch at a local Chinese Restaurant. Not bad chicken and broccoli, but not all that memorable either. It did manage to satisfy my hunger however; and sometimes that is really all it needs to do.

    Wandered next door to the Tractor Supply store after lunch and went up and down all of the aisles for a little while looking at all the cool stuff they had stocked on the shelves. Sometimes I think these kind of stores are even better than Home Depot and Lowe's. But those two are pretty fun too. Didn't actually buy anything today. Guess there was no real need for 5,000 feet of barb wire right now. Maybe one of these days though.

    Came back to the trailer and took one last walk before the sun went down and the clouds moved in the rest of the way. I'm hearing a cold front is coming in and tomorrow will be cloudy and a good 20-30 degrees colder than today. So I hiked a different trail over to the river this evening. A beautiful time of the afternoon/evening, saw quite a few deer running through the forest as well as a couple armadillo's. But the neatest thing to see was the wild pig that took off from a sink hole near the trail. Have heard them before in this area, and have seen plenty of sign of them rooting in the woods, but this is the first time I have actually seen one of them in the wild. They didn't stand around and let me take a picture either.

   Have been hanging out in the trailer for the rest of the evening. Just finished up watching the movie 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' on the computer. I guess I wasn't aware that the original book was written by none other than Ian Fleming, of James Bond fame. Can't say it will ever be one of y favorite movies, and now that song is running around in my head and won't leave, but it was a cute movie in it's own way.

    Going to go start up another book, but I am sure there will be no staying up late tonight. I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open as it is. Just don't want to fall asleep to early and then get up before the sun is up..... boy do I hate that.   :)


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