Tuesday, November 26, 2013

   Not a whole lot has been going on either yesterday or today. Rather cloudy for the most part, and this morning, there was even a touch  of rain for a couple hours. Not sure if this corresponds to the 'cold front' that was suppose to come through, because it never got all that cold. In fact it's up in the mid 70's even now.

    Faced with days that have been kind of 'blaaaa', and then this morning, 'wet', there hasn't been a whole lot going on with me. Took a couple short hikes around the campground area yesterday, just to be out and about. Nothing stellar about any of them, but still nice to be out and moving. Today has been even slower, right now I'm sitting in a Micky D's hanging out and using their WiFi. A little bit longer here and then it's off to the grocery store for a few items that I need.

    So what else have I been doing since I haven't been outside much. A lot of my free time has been spent reading of course. Nearly done with yet another Janet Evanovich novel, and am getting ready to start one by Jimmy Buffett. Also have been watching a series of 'How to Write' videos one of my friends in Colorado had lent me. Not sure it is going to do any good, but it is interesting in it's own way. I've been thinking though that what I really need is to study more on basic grammar concepts. That and spelling of course.

    Also watched a couple of regular movies, those being 'Zombie Land', which was remarkably good, and one of the old Batman movies, which wasn't. There will be more to watch tonight, but not sure what it is going to be yet. Maybe it's time to try for something a bit more comedic.

   Have also spent some time straightening a few things up and rearranging a few others. One thing about living in a trailer full time, even if you are the only one there most of the time..... there isn't a whole lot of extra room for stuff. I have managed to do alright these past few years, but I am suddenly finding myself running out of those little nooks and crannies that I have come to rely on to stuff things into. It helped a lot that there was a major purge in stuff last time I was back in Colorado, I managed to get a lot of stuff out of the trailer then, I just think there is going to be another one when I get back there again. In the meantime I'll make do and try to keep from packing in any more stuff than I already have.

   One other thing; got started on some family tree stuff last night also. Had gotten a bunch of photo's and documents over the summer and I am starting to process some of that stuff. It's going to take quite a bit of time to work all the way through it all, but what else is there to do on cloudy, rainy evenings?

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