Monday, March 4, 2013

   Finally warmed up enough today to get out and about for a little bit. Took a nice walk around the town of McIntosh here first, as I needed to go mail a letter at the post office anyway. I really like this little town a lot. It has that 'Old Florida' feel to it, what ever that is. Lot's of huge old live oaks all covered with spanish moss and lots of yards have their own orange or grapefruit tree in front or back. I'm always surprised at how much of the fruit seems to go to waste every year. I always figured I would be able to use it all up if it was mine to eat. Maybe not though.

    Went over to the local state park, Payne's Prairie, later in the afternoon just to get a little better hike in. A couple miles is all, but it was nice to be out again. Could of still been a little warmer, but maybe tomorrow will be better.

   Need to go do laundry either tomorrow or Wednesday. I looked at my day planner finally and realized that there is only a couple of weeks left before I need to be in Columbia Missouri. The dance there will be starting on the 15th and that isn't all that far away. In deed, I don't think there will be all that much time to sight see along the way like I originally planned. Oh well! So right now the plan is to stay here for a couple more days, leaving maybe on Friday or Saturday and make a slow drive over to Columbia, taking about 5 days to get there. After that dance, my schedule tightens up again and I'll be in new places a lot more often again. It has been nice to be in one place for a couple of weeks though.

    Discovered that PBS puts a lot of it's shows on line now so you can use the computer to watch all kinds of things such as NOVA or Nature. Tonight I discovered this show where they autopsy large dead animals and tell all kinds of interesting things about them as they do it. Tonight they did a Sperm Whale that washed up dead on the beach and this huge Python that they found down in the Everglades. Really cool stuff if you're a bit of a geek and aren't to squeamish about dead animal guts. They also have episodes showcasing a great white shark, a tiger, camel and giant squid. Will have to watch one or two more of them at some point. In the mean time though I think I'll just go a read a few more chapters in my current book.

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