Sunday, March 3, 2013

    Still bloody cold here today. I'm having a hard time dealing with this cold wind and 50 degree temps, especially when I'm hearing from friends and family that it was nearly 70 in Colorado yesterday. Bummer!

    It's okay though as I know it won't last much longer before the temp starts edging up into the 70-80 degree range again. In the mean time it was a good day to stay mostly indoors again. Broke out a ship model I bought way back when I passed through Maine and started to put it together. It will be a long process, but it's kind of fun to do something like that again.

    Didn't stay inside all day of course. There was a afternoon contra dance over in Gainsville today so I went to that for a while. Good music from a local band and good calling from JoLaine. Lot's of friends to talk to and dance with. I am finding that this is a very nice dance community to be associated with. Of course most contra dancers are pretty good people over all.

    Went and did a little grocery shopping afterwards as my fresh stuff was starting to run out. Bought enough veggies and stuff to last a few days and enough to make up another big pot of soup. Also some more bananas and a few grapes. I find it interesting that oranges, which grow here in large quantities, are priced at 49 cents each. Seems like a lot of money to me. As a result it has been a while since I had fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning.

   Tonight was spent in reading and watching the movie Beowulf again. It seemed like it was better the first time I saw it. Either that or my taste in movies is changing. For the better I hope. It wasn't a horrible movie by any means, it just wasn't that interesting to me this time around. Oh well.

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