Sunday, October 28, 2012

    I am so tired right now. Slept in a bit this morning and then spent a leisurely morning doing breakfast and reading the comics. The last afternoon dance of the weekend didn't start until 1:00 this afternoon, but I got there a little early in order to listen to at least part of the Sycopaths concert. Even though I've heard them several times before, they still do some interesting stuff that you don't normally hear during a dance.

    Another fun last afternoon dance. Not sure why these last few hours of a weekend always seem to be some of the best of the weekend, but they often are. Might be that people know each other a little bit better, or that we are all more tired or because the two or three bands often join forces for at least the last couple of dances. In this case it may have been all of those reasons and then maybe a few more besides. What ever it is we were all having just a blast together.

   But it always has to end at some point unfortunately, and this weekend was no different in that respect. What was a bit different is that the regular Sunday night dance up in a little town called Greenwood was going to be going on tonight and the band there was going to be.... The Syncopaths!!! Yeah!

    The dance was going to start at 6:30 and go until 9:30-10:00, so I had enough time to go get a bite to eat, pick up a clean, and dry, shirt and shorts, relax a little bit and then make it up there in time to dance most of the evening. The really nice part was that the dance hall was only 3-4 miles away from where the trailer is, so it was really nice to be back home after the dance in less than 10 mins.

    Lots of the same people that had danced the weekend dances were there of course, but actually quite a few new ones also. Got a final chance to say goodbye to some new friends I met over the weekend. I am sure that there will be another chance to dance with most of them at some point. For now though... I'm tired, and my feet hurt and I need some ibuprofen..... ;-)

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