Friday, October 19, 2012

   Raining hard this morning when I got up, so no trip to Gettysburg today. Will try to go on Monday or Tuesday instead, but it may end up being another one of those things that gets postponed until next time. Oh well!

    Spent the morning hanging out around the trailer watching the rain, and then the fog, while drinking cup after cup of hot tea. Really a pretty nice morning over all. The trees here are finally starting to put on some color. I seem to be moving farther south every time they just start to get pretty. Maybe this time they'll turn a little bit more before I take off again.

   Finally got a bit of cabin fever and drove back over to Fredricksburg this afternoon and wandered around their old downtown area. Lots of old, old buildings of course, kind of neat, but some of the area was pretty run down. Ended up buying some new photo software for the computer as the old stuff wasn't working very well anymore. Part of the same old computer problems I've been having. Bought the same stuff I already have on the old one because of course, my old software is back in my storage unit in Colorado. So it wasn't going to be doing me much good there. Will try to get it loaded on tomorrow morning, so maybe I can get back to posting a few pictures every once in a while.

   Went into the DC area this evening. Specifically I went in to contra dance at the Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo. It was just as grand and fun as everyone has been telling me these last few years. A beautiful venue at an old amusement park, kind of like the Trocadero Ballroom out at Lakeside in Denver use to be. Lots of room for the 200+ dancers that were there this evening. A big surprise was hearing someone call out my name as I walked onto the dance floor. Turned out to be a friend of mine, Jerry, who dances in Colorado all of the time. He just happened to be visiting family or friends here for this week and decided to come dancing for the evening.

    Also saw quite a few other faces that I recognised and a few that I actually remembered the names of. One women, Lindsey, is maybe the one I remembered best because she is a really good dancer and is always smiling. Lots of good dancers of course, but quite a few new ones also. It's fun to see so many younger kids showing up at the dances these days, but they really wear you out a lot more as it is just harder to dance with them. They are always either bouncing, hopping, skipping or some other god awful thing. But they have fun, and the beauty behind a contra dance is that you only have to dance with them for about 30 seconds before going on to the next.

    Hope to be meeting up with a friend in DC tomorrow. She won't get home from an out of town work assignment until late afternoon so I'll have to keep busy until then. I think we are suppose to go to a house concert tomorrow night at some friends of hers house; bluegrass music I think. May stay at her place tomorrow night and then let her show me around the town a bit on Sunday before going to the Sunday night dance out at Glen Echo. Should be a busy time these next couple of days.

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