Wednesday, December 12, 2012

   Mostly sunny and warm yesterday so there was time to get out and take a short hike around the park. Because of the nearly 5 hours of rain the day and night before the whole forest seemed to have  turned into one huge swamp in many places. Really quite interesting to look at, but it did mean having to stay on the trail or road the whole time. One good thing about having the rain is that I no longer need to worry about the forest catching on fire some afternoon or evening and burning down around me. This area really needed the moisture. All that water also seemed to have no effect on one of the resident turkey flocks, there was a whole group out looking for bugs and seeds in one of the higher and drier meadows in the park. They can sure run when they want to.

    I took one short trip into town in the afternoon. After all that rain it became evident that I 'still' have not managed to plug my roof leak completely. It seems like it has slowed down somewhat, but with that much rain it was still a pretty steady leak right over the bed. The good news is that the one in the bathroom seems to have been stopped up, but then that one was above the tub and didn't bother me while trying to sleep. Found another can of spray on goop and will try once more to stem the tide. This stuff is slightly different, so maybe it will flow a little better and fill in any remaining cracks. Now I just need a couple of days of dry, sunny and warm weather to put it on.

    In the meantime it rained for another couple of hours last night and early this morning. It does still sound really nice to hear the patter of rain on the trailer roof. It reminds me of being in a tent at times, but then most of my tents don't leak either.

    Noticed my throat starting to go wanky on me yesterday afternoon and by this morning it is pretty evident that I have picked up some kind of a cold in the past day or two. It probably happened over the weekend while down in Tampa at the dance. One thing about contra dancing is that you do really dance with everyone else in the hall. I try to be careful, keeping my hands away from my face and washing my hands after every set. Still; it is hard to believe that you won't get nailed at some point or another. Guess it must of just been my turn. So now I'm sitting here drinking endless cups of tea, popping aspirin and just taking it easy. Hope to be over it all in a day or two.

   Still cloudy this morning and likely to keep raining for the rest of the day. Need to go out and find a post office, but otherwise will just stay in, read my books and maybe watch a movie or two. I am glad it wasn't one of those days where I had to decide if I was going in to go to work or not.

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