Saturday, December 15, 2012

   Still sick today.... better for sure, but not at 100% yet by any means. Feels like the 'cold' part of it is nearly done, there's a cough every once in a while, but nothing like what has been going on these past few days. I'm hoping my ribs can now stop feeling like someone is jumping up and down on them when I cough.

   Most of my problem now is with my sinus's. Seems like it always go this way when I get a cold. Was thinking that it might have moved to a good ole sinus infection there for a while this afternoon. But I kept at it flushing the old sinus cavity time and time again by squirting warm salt water up my nose. Boy do I hate that, plus it's really disgusting...... It seems to have worked though as my nose is for the most part open again and the sinus headache is down to a dull throb now.

    Didn't do anything else for the day other than drink nearly endless cups of hot tea and take short naps every other hour or so. I really wanted to be better by this evening so I could go into Gainsville to the local contra dance. But that doesn't seem like it is going to work out this time. Still coughing enough to know I'm not at all better. Probably no longer contagious, but why take a chance and why make everyone else feel self conscious about not wanting to be around you. I hope to be up and around by tomorrow as I want to go over to the Orlando area and visit an old friend there for the afternoon. Will just wait until tomorrow morning to see if that is going to happen or not.

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