Tuesday, December 18, 2012

    Sorry my posts haven't been quite up to snuff these past few days.... still suffering through what ever the heck it is that I have come down with. A cold seems to be the basic component of what ever it is, but there is also a bit of bronchitis and sinus infection thrown in for good measure.

    It felt better this morning after a real so-so night of waking up coughing and trying to breath. I needed to go over to the east coast of Florida though in order to pick up a batch of mail that my friends back in Colorado had collected and sent on to me. Of primary importance was my new drivers license as I've been driving on an expired one for nearly the whole last 4 months. Lucky for me someone at my storage unit place noticed it was in need of renewing otherwise I would still be driving around on it clueless. It was also lucky for me that I could go on line and get a new one sent out without having to go to the DMV in person.

    So I'm now legal as far as a drivers license is concerned. Unfortunately the new tags for my truck license plates were not with my other mail. My best guess is that the DMV sent them to my old address once again, even though I haven't lived there for more than 5 years now and I have changed my address at least 4 different times over the years. Just doesn't seem like it would be that difficult, especially when I sat there in the office two years ago and watched while they changed my address to my new one. Evidently there is some computer somewhere that still hasn't gotten the word. What a hassle!

    It was good to see my brother-in-law, Martin, again today, although we both made a point of staying pretty far apart from each other. He had a kidney transplant a month or so ago and is doing really, really well, so I would not like to be the one to send him back to the hospital with a cold or infection. So we will go do lunch and beer next time I'm over there.

    Picked up some antibiotic's this afternoon and started taking them before heading back to the trailer. They seem to already be having an effect on what ever it is I have. I sure hope so as I am getting really tired of this stuff.

   Need to go get the truck tires rotated and balanced tomorrow morning. It has already been more than 9,000 miles since they went on the truck. My last set went 88,000 miles before I replaced them, and I probably could of got that extra 2K out of them if I wanted to. But you just don't want to mess around with sub-par tires when you have 10,000 lbs pushing you down the road at 65 mph.

  Will see how I feel after doing the tires, but if I seem to be doing okay I want to go over and see the new hobbit movie that just came out. Right now though it is time to go see if I can sleep a little better tonight.

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